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Louise Aronson


Author of Elderhood and other books

Dr. 路易斯·阿伦森(Louise Aronson)是一名老年病学专家,也是UCSF Osher综合健康中心优化衰老实践的创始人, where she cares for older adults.

阿伦森的研究兴趣包括老年医学教育, 反思性学习(在医学中强调从经验中学习以改善护理), 为公众提供健康宣传和医学写作.

阿伦森在哈佛医学院获得医学学位. At UCSF, 她完成了内科住院医师,以及临床十大赌博平台排行榜教育奖学金和老年病学奖学金. 后来,她在沃伦威尔逊学院获得了小说写作的美术硕士学位.

Aronson在加州大学旧金山分校任教,并担任加州大学旧金山分校健康人文和社会倡导项目的主任。她获得了许多荣誉, including the Arnold P. 医学人文主义金基金会教授和美国老年病学会年度杰出职业中期临床十大赌博平台排行榜教育家奖. 她是《十大赌博平台排行榜》畅销书和普利策奖决赛选手的作者 老年:重新定义衰老,改变医学,重新想象生活. 她的作品包括《十大赌博平台排行榜》, Atlantic, Washington Post, JAMA, Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine, 她还上过美国国家公共电台的《十大赌博平台排行榜》和《十大赌博靠谱网络平台》," CNBC, "TODAY," "CBS This Morning," Politico, Kaiser Health News and "Tech Nation," and in the New Yorker.

  • Education

    Harvard Medical School, 1992

  • Residencies

    UCSF Medical Center, 1995

  • Fellowships

    UCSF Medical Center, Geriatric Medicine, 1998

  • Board Certifications


  • Academic Title


  • Languages



我很高兴能在Osher中心扩大加州大学旧金山分校对老年人的护理, 我们在关注疾病管理的同时关注健康吗.

Where I see patients (1)

    My reviews


    Overall Experience
    96 Ratings
    About our process
    Jun 17, 2023
    我很荣幸能成为李十大赌博平台排行榜的病人. Aronson
    Jun 10, 2023
    Grateful for seeing Dr. Louise Aronson. She's over the moon terrific. Thank you.
    Jun 09, 2023
    Great doctor
    Jun 07, 2023
    Jun 06, 2023
    Dr. Aronson is excellent in every way! She may be the best physician I have had. 她认真倾听,认真考虑我提出的问题,富有同情心,非常聪明
    May 17, 2023
    Dr Louise Aronson is first rate! 她很聪明,善解人意,心地善良,善于倾听,通常关心病人的健康. 她既风度翩翩又专业——这是难得的结合
    May 17, 2023
    A very thorough and hopeful experience
    May 16, 2023
    Dr Aronson is a wonderful doctor! I hope UCSF can hire more like her!
    May 09, 2023
    May 03, 2023
    Excellent visit
    Apr 07, 2023
    Excellent visit. 我所有的问题都得到了解答,并给出了明确的建议.
    Mar 15, 2023
    Dr. 阿伦森是一位富有同情心的老年病专家.
    Mar 14, 2023
    Aronson十大赌博平台排行榜是一个很好的倾听者,他花时间告诉我与健康有关的问题并解决它们. She is outstanding in the care she delivers.
    Mar 14, 2023
    Louise Aronson is the very best!!!!!
    Mar 02, 2023
    Excellent care.
    Feb 08, 2023
    我不敢把她推荐给别人,因为这样会让我的申请更加困难. 因为就像他们说的,有300人在等候名单上. 电话/日程安排员的粗鲁是我不想让别人经历的尴尬.
    Jan 17, 2023
    I was completely satisfied.
    Nov 23, 2022
    My first visit with Dr. 路易丝·阿伦森简直就是个奇迹. 想象一下,一个真正想要了解你的十大赌博平台排行榜,他有时间和兴趣倾听你的担忧和希望. Very rare in the current medical scene.
    Nov 17, 2022
    What a privilege to get to work with Dr. Aronson.
    Nov 16, 2022
    Extremely thoughtful doctor!!!!!.
    Nov 09, 2022
    Louise Aronson MD is remarkable
    Oct 26, 2022
    Dr. 阿伦森认真倾听,表现出同理心,不居高临下,并提出了有益的建议.
    Oct 18, 2022
    Dr. 露易丝·阿伦森分享了一种同情和善良,这是自从30年前我健康的身体因背部受伤而疼痛以来,我从未体验过的. 她为新冠肺炎并发症带来了希望和知识,让人们真诚地感激 !
    Oct 13, 2022
    Dr Aronson is excellent in every way.
    Sep 07, 2022
    我被要求允许2名居民加入我们的应用程序. I said yes. 但是这个程序很难十大赌博靠谱网络平台,因为问题和我的答案有时很敏感,我在两个站着的陌生人面前回答问题时犹豫不决. I wouldn't say yes again.
    Aug 24, 2022
    阿伦森博士给了我充分的关注,是个很好的倾听者. She was warm and empathetic. She also explained things very clearly.
    Aug 13, 2022
    Wonderful attentive knowledgeable
    Aug 05, 2022
    Excellent session - gave me hope
    Jul 20, 2022
    Dr. Aronson is a gem!
    Jul 18, 2022
    May 20, 2022
    Dr. 在倾听我的病史和担忧时,Aronson非常直观,她愿意十大赌博靠谱网络平台我最近经历的复杂经历,而不仅仅是关于我的移植手术,并讨论我生活经历的情感和心理/精神方面是如何影响和复杂化我的身体体验的. 我们简要地讨论了在所有这些情况下我将如何继续我的治疗,我们将在下次访问时继续讨论.
    May 19, 2022
    Dr Aronson is THE BEST!!! 她富有同情心,关心他人,善解人意,知识渊博,她的建议和建议总是很到位.
    May 02, 2022
    I've already recommended this care giver. She is professional friendly and caring.
    Mar 01, 2022
    Attentive and compassionate.
    Feb 16, 2022
    Dr. Aronson is a great asset to UCSF.
    Feb 12, 2022
    Dr Aronson has excellent bedside manner. I felt comfortable asking any questions.
    Feb 11, 2022

    Selected research

    My work

    Read on Kaiser Health News

    A doctor speaks out about ageism in medicine

    Read on Kaiser Health News
    Read on the Washington Post

    I’m a geriatrician. 没有明确的年龄“太大”不适合当总统.

    Read on the Washington Post
